Internet Marketing - Traffic Analysis

Traffic Analysis

Traffic Analysis

Traffic reports are essential in tracking website activity as well as analyzing your internet marketing effectiveness..

Referrer logs help you to analyze your website traffic. Through these logs you can learn how many hits your website is receiving by day, month, year; where your traffic is coming from, what keywords are used to find your site, which pages are accessed the most/least, and much more. Your webmaster, internet service provider or hosting service should provide you with access to either you raw log files or a log analysis software (such as Webtrends).

If you don't have access to the log files, a traffic tracking service can be purchased that can track similar statistics (some will even track your Return on Investment -- a huge plus in determining the effectiveness of your internet marketing campaign).

Though log program is different, you'll usually be able to find out the following information:

  • User profile by region
  • Average length of time on your site
  • Average number of hits or page views per day
  • Most and least requested pages
  • Top Entry page
  • Summary of Activity by day
  • Server Errors
  • Bandwidth (which is a measure of the traffic to the site)
  • Top referring sites
  • Top referring search engines
  • Top keywords used to find the website
  • Visiting search engine spiders

Whatever the method of your traffic analysis, ensure you track which search engines and which keyword phrases drive the most traffic to your site. Analyzing your traffice will allow you to pin point areas of your website that are under-performing, analyze the cause of the problem and make appropriate changes or recommendations if necessary.

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