Internet Sales and Marketing Business Plan

Internet Sales and Marketing Business Plan

Market and Competition Research and Analysis

The first step in creating the internet sales and marketing business plan is to evaluate the current demographics of the client and the local, including how you have currently positioned yourself on the internet: initial evaluation of the current website, the level of participation with wholesale websites, competitive analysis, market situation and demographic analysis, visibility and link popularity analysis. Once there is a clear picture of where you are starting from, then a step-by-step action plan can be developed to reach your goals.

We evaluate of the market environment: How much and what kind of business books on the internet in the clients' specific market? What will it take for the business to be successful on the internet in that market?

Who are your competitors and what are they doing? We then analyze your competitors’ websites to determine which keyword phrases they are targeting and how well they rank in the search engines and directories. We develop a list of website links that are currently pointing to your competitors that we can use to request links to YOUR website (it is powerful information to know who your competitors are working with on the web!).

Keyword Research and Description design

Keyword research will determine how users search for your products and services, as well as where your competitors are ranked on the search engines and which keywords they are targeting. Should the hotel choose to pursue website optimization, we will examine the best keywords to target, taking into account the number of times the keyword is searched for, the number of competitors using the same keyword and how applicable it is to the service or product that is provided. The competitiveness of each keyword is analyzed in various engines and different keywords will be targeted in different engines as a result of this research.

Brand e-marketing

A brand can play an important role e-marketing for any industry, especially brands with powerful brand loyalty and brand recognition. If applicable, we research what opportunities there are to take advantage of programs and guidelines set forth by the brand. An all inclusive sales and marketing business plan wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t take advantage of the marketing opportunities provided by the brand.


One of the most important parts of any effective marketing plan is tracking. We first evaluate the current tracking mechanism and pull together statistics to get a picture of how much business has been booked within the past 6 months to 1 year via the internet. If necessary, we update the method of tracking to ensure accurate statistics going forward. It's important to know how much business is coming from the various internet sources, enabling us to compare our success year over year AND to calculate the ROI of our internet sales and marketing plan. Website Traffic Analysis and tracking is also important and clients choosing to utilize our website optimization services will receive monthly reports on search engine positioning, as well as referrer and visitor tracking.

Internet Marketing Action Plan

Once there is a clear picture of where the hotel is and what opportunities are available within the market and within the brand, then we work together to develop internet-based goals and a step-by-step action plan of how to reach your goals.

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